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Against The Current - Weapon


Beautiful and fiery would be the best way to describe the aesthetic new video for Against The Current's "Weapon".


Against The Current just dropped their video for new song "Weapon". A song that sees the band returning to their more rockier roots. In my opinion this may be the heaviest song we have ever seen ATC put out. The guitar riffs within are definitely headbanging or mosh pit worthy. Normally when I think of Against The Current I think of them being more sweet pop rock but "Weapon" has really blown me away and shown a new side to this band. A progression a new maturity in sound for the band. The video for this song is visually very beautiful. It focuses a lot on red tones and fire as we see the lead character "Chrissy Constansa" keeping a hold of a key. The video feels badass and powerful, like a statement. I am very excited to see what else has to come from Against The Currrent this year as if this is anything to go by then I'm sure it will be epic.

You can watch the full video for "Weapon" on Against The Currents Youtube here


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