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All Time Low - Once In A Lifetime


All Time Low's bright and feel good video for 'Once In A Lifetime' is out now!


'Once In A Lifetime' is a song about love and happines so it's great to see such a bright and fun video being released alongside it. This video is full of bright colours and smiles as it follows the story of a young couple acquiring they're own house. The couple and their friends party and the band is seen playing and having fun in the same house.

"We're always game for a living room concert" (All TIme Low - Instagram)

This band have always been known for their feel good pop punk songs and this one fits in nicely with the rest of their discography. The video itself has in my opinion the same kind of vibe as those from the 'Last Young Renegade' era, while the song feels like something that is an evolution of their sound as a whole.

You can watch the full video for 'Once In A Lifetime' on All Time Low's Youtube here


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