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ALXNDR Interview


Got to chat with the lovely ALXNDR about his early start in music, influences, recent release 'FBA (Did You Dirty) and upcoming EP 'Degenerate'.


Thank you for taking the time to do this interview! How are you today?

I am great! A little hot and sweaty here in Houston, TX, USA, however I got air in my lungs and can't ask for much more than that!

It's been about a month since the release of your latest single 'FBA (Did You Dirty)', how would you say the response to this new track has been?

I think the response has been pretty great! I know I have so much work to do building a true fan base and audience, but I just need to keep working hard and it'll just get better and better!

I personally found the theme of 'FBA (Did You Dirty)' interesting and was wandering what made you decide to write about this particular topic?

Thank you! I wanted to write about something different than what you normally hear and see. The world as we know it is very embellished with imagery, sex, lust, and superficial culture that sometimes and a lot of times lacks substance. I wanted to write about how men are put in categories just like woman based on those images. An attractive, talented, successful man is labeled as a womanizer, a man who is honest about how he feels is weak or a heartbreaker. The song talks about the truth in the world and the boldness of how sex is used for love, and love is used for sex.

What would you say overall inspires you lyrically?

Lyrics are HUGE for me, not only in my own writing, but when I hear other songs. If I can listen to a song and think to myself "Damn, I felt that", that's what I live for. That same feeling is applied when I write my own songs, I want the listener to say "Damn, I felt that.".

Are there any artists that influence your music?

You would be astonished by the amount of artists that have influenced me and still do. From rap and RnB to Rock and Metal, I really am a melting pot of all things when considering my influences. I am a music junkie, so to speak, haha.

I would say your music mainly sits in the pop-punk genre. Is there anything about this genre that draws you to write in this style? Do you plan to stick to this sound, or will we see a bit of genre-crossing in the future?

Pop Punk plays a huge role into the development of my early songwriting as well as Alternative rock, it's the easiest form of expression for me without truly challenging my ability, however I do plan on in the future incorporating different elements that could be considered "Genre-Crossing".

So, you've got your EP 'Degenerate' coming out soon. Is there anything you want to share about this upcoming EP? What can your listeners expect?

YES! I am stoked to have the entire EP released. It's been a long time coming, not just planning but finally getting myself to push it! My listeners can expect a little surprise on the day of the release, something I won't announce but wait for the day it's released! I want people to hear the whole EP and go through an emotional rollercoaster, and reflect back, maybe inspire them to do whatever it is that makes them happy. I'M EXCITED!

Something else I want to touch upon that I found interesting, was that you had an early start in music. You started playing with your Dad at a young age, what was this experience like and how do you think it's helped shape you as an artist?

Starting music so young I had the honor to play with so many inspiring older musicians, people from the 70's, people well connected with the Nashville Country Scene, session musicians from The Grand Ole Opry. I started out playing blues on the guitar, and it really shaped the formality, the substance, the roots on music for me. There's very few innovators in music, and Jimmy Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughn and artists around that were revolutionary.

Is there anywhere you've played that stands out to you the most?

Two places I've had the honor to play, Houston's Arena "The Toyota Center" opening for Bon Jovi and Tampa's Arena "The HardRock Casino" opening for Candlebox!

Are there any artists you're listening to at the moment that you would recommend checking out?

Sleep Token and Movements

We've got the 'Degenerate' EP to look forward to, but is there anything else you're working on that you would like to share?

I am trying to put together a tour between this EP and the next EP! So I'm in the midst of working that out!

Before we finish up, I always like to ask a few fun questions,

Hot coffee or iced coffee?

Not a HUGE coffee guy, I love tea more! However, Hot Coffee in the mornings, and if I ever have a mid-day craving Iced Coffee.

Horror or Comedy?

I do love both, but I'd pick Comedy over Horror anyday! I find it's easier to make content that's hilarious than find a quality horror movie that gets me sucked in! Stand-Up comedy is top tier, sometimes I prefer to watch stand-up than listen to music!

See the future or change the past?

I would never be where I am today if I changed the past. I've learned so much and experienced things that I wouldn't trade for the world! So, seeing the future would be my pick, because then maybe I could determine my best decisions with the knowledge of the inevitable.

Thank you again for your time! Is there anything else you would like to add for anyone reading this?

We live in a very difficult world, it's harder and harder to be heard. You can literally do anything in today's world to be successful, all it takes is cutting through the noise with hard work and determination. Stop listening to the naysayers, go write that book, write that song, start that band, start that business, create that dream, live that dream because once you are buried in the dirt, none of that matters. Today is the day, not tomorrow, not next year, it's now. Much love, thank you guys!

Interview with Kayleigh McKenzie


Listen to ALXNDR's most recent single 'FBA (Did You Dirty)' HERE

Find ALXNDR online


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