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Audiokicks/Virtues/The Ruckus - 13/11/2021 - Krakatoa, Aberdeen


With a wild crowd and a selection of brilliant bands this gig was definitely one of the most energetic and fun shows I have been to in a while...



I wasn't sure what to expect with Audiokicks as I had never even checked these guys out on Spotify before. What I was hit with was a band that have more talent than I could have imagined. From happy to sad songs this indie/alt rock four piece have the ability to make you feel whatever emotion they're feeling through their music. In my opinion these guys could be playing much bigger venues than a local dive bar. A stand out moment for me was when they played 'Co-exist' (I can't be 100% sure I've got the name right), with this song I actually felt myself tear up a little and I believe if I had known the words I would've been screaming them along at the top of my lungs. The band joked that they're was sadder songs to come and yes there was. I don't think I've found myself that emotional at a gig in a long time and honestly it was amazing. To have that power to be able to make someone understand and feel the emotions without previously knowing the songs I think is something really special. First thing I did when I got home was save a ton of their music to my phone. I also have to point out the bassline through 'Stuck On Repeat' or too be honest most of the songs, I can't explain how much I loved the tone this instrument gave the band and was definitely something I found myself focusing on. I would highly recommend giving these guys a listen and if you get the chance to see them live do it.

Recommended song to check out: Stuck On Repeat

Listen to Audiokicks

Folllow Audiokicks



Rock band Virtues were the second act of the night. These guys were pretty good, I especially enjoyed the light vocals that carried through the music. However I don't think that Virtues had the same power that the other two bands that played did but yet they still atrracted a really decent crowd and having checked them out recorded their music is this nice, catchy soft rock. There set was good from what I saw of it but for me personally I think having them follow on from Audiokicks which was a band I felt like I connected with a lot I just didn't get this same feeling from Virtues. However having said this they are a band I really enjoy recorded so I would probably go to see them again at some point and see if it's maybe just the way I was feeling that night as many others did appear to be really enjoying them.

Recommended song to check out: Architect

Check out their debut EP 'You're Alive' HERE

Follow Virtues


The Ruckus

Five piece rock n rollers The Ruckus seem to be a band that always put on an insane show but this gig was something else. I don't think I have ever been to a local gig where there was that much energy. From the stage all the way back through the crowd everyone gave their all, singing along, dancing, headbanging there was barely one person standing still. I think I've said it before about The Ruckus but this show proved that these guys know how to handle and entertain a crowd. From easy to sing along to songs such as 'Wildfire' and 'Nothin' to Lose' to other classic rock sounding tracks such as 'Rock You To the Core' and 'Welcome to the End' every single song consumed seemed to leave the audience, including me, wanting more. Moments like everyone getting carried away singing 'I Want It That Way' by the Backstreet Boys prove that The Ruckus don't take themselves too seriously and can just go with the flow. The couple of shows I've been to of theirs make it clear that they're a band that thrive off of audience interaction and that combined effort to make an amazing night. As for musicially I love these guys, their classic/hard rock style is right up my street and I'm not ashamed to say their songs are now featured on many of my personal playlists. No matter how good these guys are to listen to though nothing compares to their live show, I can't recommend going to see The Ruckus enough.

Recommended song to check out: Runnin' With the Wolves

Check out The Ruckus


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