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Black Veil Brides - Acoustour


Black Veil Brides have just finished a remote acoustic radio tour that was available free for viewing on various stations over ten nights.


Over the ten nights I was able to catch four shows. It was great that Black Veil Brides did these as free shows as it meant everyone had an opportunity to be able to see the shows. I think that doing an acoustic tour was also really cool because Black Veil Brides aren't a band we get to see doing acoustic stuff a lot. Also having the various different nights meant that they were able to play different songs, some which are rarely ever played by the band live.

23/03/2021 The first night was on Cincinnati's radio station WEBN. Cincinnati being Andy Biersack's hometown this show was special for him. 'Biersack' spoke about how during sports season he actually speaks on that radio station.

Songs played:

Scarlet Cross American Skin (41 Shots) (Bruce Springsteen cover) Knives and Pens In the End


The next night was on Columbus's WRKZ. This was an earlier show, airing at 10am EST. In this show the band played 'Goodbye Agony' which they said they haven't played live in years.

Songs played:

Scarlet Cross Goodbye Agony Saviour In the End


Then I managed to see Black Veil Brides on Detroits WRIF. During this show Andy Biersack told stories of when the band have played previously in Detroit.

Songs played:

Scarlet Cross Saviour Rebel Yell (Billy Idol cover) In the End


For this show for Madisons WJJO i was also able to catch the pre show interview where Andy Biersack talked about various things such as what it's like doing a virtual tour vs an actual tour. His interview with Scott Ozzborn also saw them talk about Paradise City being pulled from Amazon Prime and 'Biersack's' new book. A big thing that I wanna mention that they talked about is an organisation called For the Nomads which was set up by touring crew to try and help them as they are not able to work at the moment. A lot of people don't realise how much a show relies on crew so if you wanna learn more: You can visit their website here Within this set the band played 'Ritual' and it was their second time ever playing that song live. They also played 'Rebel Yell' and we found out there was a live video shot in Maddison for that song.

Songs played:

Scarlet Cross Ritual Rebel Yell (Billy Idol cover) In the End


The last show was on Kansas City's KCJK. This show had a virutal meet and greet beforehand.

Songs played:

Scarlet Cross American Skin (41 Shots) (Bruce Springsteen cover) Done For You In the End


It was really nice over this ten day period to have something to look forward to most nights. Black Veil Brides did an amazing job of these shows and I could be wrong but I believe they are so far the only band to have attempted something like this. Or at least on this scale.


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