Enchantya have released a new single and video 'Collective Souls' ahead of their third album 'Cerberus'.

Single Art by Pedro Daniel (Phobos Anomaly Design)
Portuguese melodic metal band Enchantya have released their single 'Collective Souls' ahead of their new album 'Cerberus' that is set for release on the 28th of April. Enchantya began back in 2004 by vocalist Rute Fevereiro when she took a break from her classic band Black Widows. Enchantya's first EP was recorded in 2005, 'Moonlighting the Dreamer' was then released in 2006. After this EP received a good reception Enchantya set to work on their first album 'Dark Rising' in 2012. However, after touring and promoting the album the band ended up splitting due to creative and artistic differences. It wasn't until March of 2016 that Rute Fevereiro returned with Enchantya and a new line up. With a year of rehearsing the group learned that they had amazing chemistry and they set about releasing second album 'On Light and Wrath' (2019). In 2020 with the pandemic stopping most things Enchantya used their time to compose their third album 'Cerberus'. New single 'Collective Souls' is the third single to come from 'Cerberus'.
"The song 'Collective Souls' is very special to me because it portrays the collective consciousness that starts from the individual to the collective but that makes us question our existence. The cliche thought that we are all drops in an ocean perfectly represents this song. While it may seem like we don't make a difference, we are that difference especially when we learn to love and accept ourselves the way we are." - (Rute Fevereiro, Vocalist)
In my opinion I think that 'Collective Souls' is a very strong melodic metal track. It has slightly chaotic elements and at times can feel vocally erratic but in a way that suits the song and feels very fitting to the topic. 'Collective Souls' throws everything at you from powerful clean vocals, harsh growls, choir vocals, heavy guitars, thundering drums. Really anything you could want from this type of track. I'm not normally a massive fan of this genre of metal but I have to say I'm excited by this one and I can't wait to hear 'Cerberus' when it comes out on the 28th of April.
'Collective Souls' Music Video
Listen to 'Collective Souls' HERE
Pre order the 'Cerberus' CD HERE
Enchantya are
Rute Fevereiro: Vocals Fernando Campos: Lead Guitar Fernando Barrosa: Bass Pedro Antunes: Piano, Keys & Orchestration Bruno Guilherme: Drums
Enchantya online

Picture by Mara D'Elean