Last Friday, the 25th of October I had the absolute pleasure of being invited along to see Human Renegade headline the Halloween Special at Audio in Glasgow.

Glasgow's venue Audio was filled with people getting into the Halloween spirit for this Special. The bands and fans alike were ready to party resulting in the place having a great buzz about it all night. The four bands picked to play that night made for an interesting lineup as they all have pretty unique sounds that are quite different from one another, but as the night went on I would realize how nicely these guys would compliment each other. Opening the night was the The Dead Cinderellas, who I thought had a grungy, indie rock sound that is very easy to listen to. With their chilled demeanour and costumes they looked like they could've stepped straight out of the 70's and taken their music forward in time with them too. They 100% had the most relaxed energy of the night warming up the crowd gently for the chaos that was to come later. The Dead Cinderellas don't play the kind of music I would normally listen to but they had a really cool style and I have to say the songs were really catchy and had some sweet riffs. Taking the stage next was Sacramoot, who completely changed up the energy in the venue, loud and energetic doesn't even begin to describe the insane power these guys had when they took control of that room. The raw loud music had almost the whole place erupting into a pit which kept getting bigger and bigger. Sacramoot also gave us some more chill indie sounds which were really well delivered but their angrier raw songs are what has stuck with me. Even with the band having a couple of issues occurring including the front man breaking his guitar, which he joked happens a lot, they seemed more than capable of carrying on professionally and putting on a show that has made me eager to go and see them again. I love bands that seem to give everything they have on stage, and with Sacramoot I think they threw every emotion and feeling they possibly could out while maintaining impressive showmanship. Third act of the night was Scottish emo band Fate Has Favourites, these guys have recently been making waves in the scene and if you haven't heard their name yet I'd be surprised. This is a band I've been wanting to see live for a while now and their alt rock, emo sound is just as addictive live as they are recorded. The group joked at the start of their set that they were the oldest people there, getting very little response when they asked the audience if there was anyone in attendance over thirty, which as someone in my mid twenties I have to say that it was a young crowd that night. Fate Has Favourites may not have had the most elaborate costumes of the night but they kept on theme by adding in some fun Halloween themed interludes into their set, as for the bands original tracks I found myself getting lost in their performance, I'd be shocked if these guys haven't been playing together for a long time as their show felt polished and like something you'd easily see on a bigger stage. I was excited to hear them play my favourite track, which the front man joked to be the most emo 'Little Black Dress' as well as what has become a very popular song of theirs 'Modern Age', this one had the whole room singing it back at them. These guys in my opinion were a great choice to get everyone ready for Human Renegade to take the stage, as their mighty performance had me fully locked in and ready to go. A band that could've come straight from the early 2000's/2010's emo scene is Human Renegade, I've been listening to these guys a bit before seeing them and their music deserves to be checked out by everyone reading this. I actually caught the very end of their set when they opened for Starbenders in Glasgow last year, and even that little snippet had me intrigued by them, so I was so excited to experience a full show. The band experienced a couple of technical issues, as seemed to be the theme of the night, but to me they brushed it off pretty effortlessly. One moment which may have been seen as an issue at the time, but I thought just added to the angst of the show was when their banner half fell off then the singer went to the back and just pulled the whole thing down. Their set was what I imagine to be a bit like watching an early days MCR show or someone else of that era, Human Renegade totally own the stage when they are on it and they make the crowd want to get involved too. This is a band who clearly know who they are and each song felt powerful and purposeful, while being fueled by fast drums and fast riffs. After this show I can say I am a huge fan of this bands sound and it was clear they have many fans, as the basically full room was moving and then taking their torches out during the slower tracks. I wouldn't be surprised to see these guys grow and take on bigger stages in the coming years as they have that thing about them that makes you want to give them your attention. Human Renegade are a band that all emo music lovers should have on their list of bands to see live. They put on a commanding performance while playing their catchy and emotive tracks, or more fun tracks like 'Emo', which was a highlight for me when they closed with the popular single, this song is ridiculously catchy and I bet it's still stuck in everyone's heads even now. Overall, I had a great night, the energy was high and I thoroughly enjoyed every band and their uniqueness. I always find going to a venue I've never been to before can be a little daunting but I found I got so into the show that it didn't even matter. If you get a chance to see any of these guys live I would highly recommend it, especially the emo lot, Fate Has Favourites or Human Renegade, but that's just my personal taste, every band was great!
Check out all the bands below