Polish alt rock trio Indigo Skies have returned with emotional new track 'Walls', which will be released on the 13th of August 2021.

Alt rock trio Indigo Skies from Warsaw, Poland are releasing their new emotionally heavy track 'Walls' on the 13th of August 2021. Indigo Skies started in 2018 and developed their staple sound of alt rock fused with electronics. Their songs feature spacious guitars, large drums and emotionally charged vocals crossed with synth bass and fresh electronics. The trio are mainly self produced in their home studio but have also worked with various producers. Recently they have worked with Irish producer Rory Godson and American hip hop artist Gwalla. Indigo Skies are starting to gain a presence having been featured in Irish and Polish press and radio also on the American YNVS Podcast. 'Walls' is an emotional ballad based on lost trust, hurt and miscommunication as well as the destructive power of words. This for me made the song hit very close to home and I really related with it. The story is from the perspective of someone who is denied a second chance despite trying their hardest to make things right. I thought that this perspective made for a really good story and one that I was completely captured by. From the second 'Walls' began I knew I was going to love it, something about that opening synth sounds held so much promise and I was far from disappointed. 'Walls' is a very beautiful song but too be honest I didn't expect anything else. Having previously checked out Indigo Skies in the past I know that they are a band that can deliver great meaningful songs. Their track 'Hangover' which features Gwalla is a firm favourite of mine and the song that really got me into listening to this band. Even with my love for 'Hangover' I think 'Walls' could become my new favourite. Seriously check this song out I think even with telling such a specific story it is done so well lyrically that it becomes one of those tracks that you could fit to your personal situation. Also the large surrounding synth that holds you throughout the song makes it feel safe and honest. I could ramble about this track for so long but I'm going to leave it there and just say check it out! With the release of 'Walls' Indigo Skies will also have a live video for the song that will be on Youtube.
Pre save 'Walls' HERE
