EP Name: Into the Instrumentals
Artist: Mothman and The Thunderbirds
Released: August 2021
Label: Independant
Rating: 7/10

Artwork by Drahma R
Cloud Giant (Instrumental Version)
Agarthan Riders (Instrumental Version)
Nomad (Instrumental Version)
Squonk (Vocals Only)
Hollow Sun (Instrumental Version)
A few months after debut album 'Into the Hollow' Mothman and The Thunderbirds is back with an EP that sees some of the tracks from that album reimagined. The progressive sludge metal/prog rock project led by Alex Parkinson takes on a new life with this EP. The five tracks can be experienced in a new way adding depth to 'Into the Hollow'. 'Into the Instrumentals' will be available to listen to from August 3rd 2021. I found 'Into the Instrumentals' to be a really cool EP. Instead of just reimagining the whole album front man Alex Parkinson wanted to create a unique listening experience with 'Into the Instrumentals' and I believe this was achieved. There's a nice balance to the EP; 'Cloud Giant' and 'Hollow Sun' being tracks that you can find yourself getting lost in very easily, 'Agarthan Riders' and 'Nomad' being very riff driven and more on the metal scale, then there's 'Squonk' which is a little interlude but instead of being stripped of it's vocals it has lost it's instruments letting you purely focus on the vocal harmony. On 'Into the Hollow' my favourite track was 'Cloud Giant' and this reimagined version is still a really great track however a new song has replaced it as my favourite. 'Agarthan Riders' which was one I didn't really enjoy on 'Into the Hollow' stands out to me on this EP. The riff loaded track draws you in and in a way felt like a really special piece. 'Agarthan Riders' also features Sam Parkinson for the guitar solo. A great guitar solo!
Alex Parkinson is the main man behind Mothman and The Thunderbirds taking care of guitar parts, bass, programming, mixing & mastering on 'Into the Instrumentals'. Whether you're a fan of 'Into the Hollow' or not I recommend checking 'Into the Instrumentals' out. I personally wasn't that into the debut album but this EP putting a new spin on things was something I did really enjoy. I think especially songs such as 'Agarthan Riders' I have found a new appreciation for and I'm definitely planning on going back and listening to the original album a couple more times. Mothman and The Thunderbirds combines fiction with reality and is overall an interesting project and in that sense one worth giving a listen.
'Into the Instrumentals' will be available on all streaming platforms and digital copies will be available for purchase on Bandcamp for just $1 from August 3rd.
Mothman and The Thunderbirds on social media
Read my review of 'Into the Hollow' below.
