EP Name: Transition
Artist: NTT
Released: September 2022
Rating: 7.5/10

Artwork by Paul McKenzie
Nu Space
NTT are a nu-metal, alt metal, modern rap metal band from Kent. The group released their EP 'Transition' September of last year (2022) and have been continuing with many exciting things since. NTT was formed in 2020 by vocalists Nate and Zack then after their performance at the O2 Academy Islington (2021) the pair decided they needed to grow their ranks and add more members to enhance their live show. Mike 'Bang Bang' West eagerly joined in 2022 and was quickly followed by Mario Krandiotes. NTT have already achieved things such as co-headlining The Fuel Rock Club, Cardiff to headlining The Fiddlers Elbow, Camden and in 2023 they have performed in the popular Metal to the Masses competition and their track 'Monster' saw them shortlisted by Kerrang Radio in 'The Deal' competition. Opening up NTT's EP is title track 'Transitiion', instantly I could tell this was a very modern sounding rap song with a large injection of Nu Metal. I'm honestly a big fan of this and that opening riff got stuck in my head instantly, it gave me Linkin Park energy and I was hooked. Second track 'Redemption' is easily my favourite on the EP. It's catchy and is probably the heaviest on 'Transition'. It's heavy yet vibrant and has a chorus that's easy to chant along with and would easily get stuck in your head. I think that 'Redemption' shows of the vocal talents of the band the most especially within the verses. This one is slightly punk edged, a little bit grungy and even has a breakdown. I am personally a big fan of metalcore, and I feel like 'Redemption' has a lot of elements that mean it could almost slip into that genre, that's possibly why I love it so much. 'Monster' the next song is the one that got NTT shortlisted on Kerrang Radio's 'The Deal' competition and it also features Kid Bookie. Personally, I wasn't as big a fan of this one as others. I think it's a good song and it fits the rap metal sound that's been popular recently but for me it's just another rap metal track. I think it sounds a little more emotionally charged than others on 'Transition' and I think that gave it some appeal for me but too be honest this is a song that gets lost in the EP. 'Foundations' is one that has grown on me. On first listen I really wasn't that into it and thought it almost got lost in itself. However, after a couple listens, I think I actually really like it. I felt quite a lot of anger in this one and determination. Again, 'Foundations' really shows off the vocal talents of NTT and is definitely more on the metal side of their sound. The closing track on 'Transition' is 'Nu Space' and when this one began, I got a kind of Dayseeker vibe, it's definitely more chilled out and completely changed the pace of the EP at the end. This is a really nice track and has a sort of hopeful energy. This is the kind of song you can escape into and get lost in, it's a very nice way to close 'Transition'.
"'Transition' has a strong emphasis on battling demons and mental health! It is exactly what it says on the tin, our 'Transition' from rap to metal and back again. This is how we built our 'Foundations'. It is about creating a 'Nu-Space' for a fresh mindset collectively, freeing yourself from the negativity and 'Monsters' of the past which allows the space for your 'Redemption' to occur!"
Overall, I really enjoyed this EP. There are songs that I loved more than others, but I also think this is the kind of EP where this is something for everyone not just one thing for someone. I would recommend checking 'Transition' out along with anything else NTT are doing. I was shocked that they aren't already more popular than they are so give them a follow and a listen before they blow up.
NTT are
Zack 'Big Zack' Warner: Vocals Nathaniel 'Nate' Strong: Vocals Mario 'Mazza' Krandiotes: Guitar Mike 'Bang Bang' West: Drums
NTT online
