"You Don't Own Me" by Pale Waves is a badass 'F U' type track and this new video suits that story perfectly.

Pale Waves just dropped their highly anticipated new video for "You Don't Own Me". A song that screams about individuality and never letting anyone tell you how you should be. The video itself shows two versions of the main character which is portayed by Heather Baron-Gracie (lead singer). One side to this character shows her clearly uncomfortable in a dress as if she is being controlled and told she has to look that way. The other side shows a punkier more badass character that doesn't care about what people think about them. I think this song and this video is a reflection of the state of our society. People thinking you have to look and act a certain way and getting angry at people that don't fit the mold. I think especially woman have to deal with this kind of stigma and as a fellow woman this song has definitely become an anthem for me. A big 'F U' to everyone that tries to tell us how to behave.