Grunge/Post-Punk trio The Blams show a softer side to their sound with upcoming single 'Storms'. The more emotional track is set for release on Friday.

The Blams are a grunge/post-punk trio from London. The guys are known for their heavy riffs, unique vocals and high energy live shows but with new single 'Storms' the trio show off their softer more emotional side. The Blams have spent some time playing gigs and after shows at the O2 Islington and Dublin Castle they took time to create this new single and use it as a way to express themselves through a sound that fans haven't heard from the three piece before. Taking a u-turn from previous singles, 'Storms' is slower, softer and steps away from the abrasive style that we have seen from The Blams before. The song tells a story of loving someone too much, too a point it's borderline abusive. The track is taken from the perspective of the character that is unknowingly smothering the one they care about and their rose-tinted view on things means they don't see the harm they are causing.
Personally I enjoy every track that these guys put out and I love the fact they are constantly evolving with every new release. This song definitely stands out against previous ones but still manages to hold the grungy normality within the distorted guitar lines and rough vocals. However the slowed down rhythm and almost indie rock vocal line gives The Blams a song that really doesn't sound like the rest and in my opinion that is definitely not a bad thing. I'm pretty sure I've said this with every one of their releases so far but this is my new favourite. I think this style actually really suits the trio and I would love to hear more songs like this. Having said that though I am also excited to see what direction the next release from these guys will take us.
Pre Save 'Storms' HERE
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