About switching off and playing music with your friends, 'Thursday Eyes' is the newest single from Bedfordshire alt rock band Tooth Marks.

Tooth Marks newest single 'Thursday Eyes' is uplifting and will have you bopping your head along. Released back on the 27th of October 'Thursday Eyes' is a personal tale about switching off at rehearsal on a Thursday and channeling your worries into music. The single originally began with a guitar riff and a vocal clip on a mobile phone from years ago, and the band just ran with it. Tooth Marks have now released a single that is ready to be consumed. With a bass line that is easy to bop to and space like alt rock vocals this is a really nice song to listen to. I've been following Tooth Marks for a while now and I think this is their strongest song yet. 'Thursday Eyes' takes the shape of an alt rock song that is heavily dosed with synth sounds making it sort of nostalgic feeling. It's a different and colourful track that's worth a listen.
Tooth Marks online