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Wolforna - 22 Degrees & Sunny


Wolforna show off a big sound for summer with their new track '22 Degrees & Sunny'.


Wolforna have recently released their strong new single '22 Degrees & Sunny' which is a perfect partner for the gorgeous summer weather. The Leeds based four-piece are an impressive hard rock band who are on an even more impressive trajectory. Wolforna are a firm staple in their local scene and a band who are rightfully gaining support overall in the alternative rock scene. 2022 saw the group support bands like The Hara, False Heads and BlackWaters while also playing small slots on festival line-ups along with some headline positions in Leeds and Halifax. Now in the summer of 2023 Wolforna are being kept busy with festivals all around Yorkshire. Much like previous single 'Break You', '22 Degrees & Sunny' steps again in a heavier direction. This heavier sound definitely suits the band with that forementioned previous single already having reached over 18,000 streams since its release in March. '22 Degrees & Sunny' comes at you with this dark grittiness and in my opinion has this grunge edged addictive hard rock sound. The rumbling drums throughout make it feel very strong and I can understand how this one has already become a crowd pleaser in gig settings. I'm always impressed with whatever Wolforna put out and this is no exception, these guys just keep getting bigger and stronger.

Listen to '22 Degrees & Sunny' HERE

Wolforna online

Picture by Nathan Towers


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