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Wreckship - Terminal Radness

EP Name: Terminal Radness

Artist: Wreckship

Released: June 2024

Rating: 6.5/10



  1. The Shape of the Sound

  2. Terminal Radness

  3. Fight. Repent. Rejoice.

From the South West, Wreckship throw alt rock heaviness at listeners of their debut release 'Terminal Radness'. Bringing their own brand of alternative heavy guitar music, Wreckship have released their three-track debut EP.

The first of the three tracks 'The Shape of the Sound' thunders in with heavy alt rock guitars letting me believe this was going to be a typical song of this style, yet I was fooled. 'The Shape of the Sound' is so much more interesting than I thought it was going to be, racing in after the emo/alt intro, the guitars instantly liven up the track with everything else following suit. Before long the drums build up into a chorus that feels a little more like the heavier emo style we heard at the beginning but it keeps the pace fast and the volume loud. There's definitely something nostalgic about this song, like taking an old alternative rock track but changing it slightly so that it fits in the modern scene. The second track 'Terminal Radness' had me totally intrigued by Wreckships sound. This one opens with an unusual twangy riff that sticks throughout most of this song. The title track is easily the one with the most energy on the EP and also features the most heavy and raw sounding vocals. Contrasting the raw hardcore energy of the vocals the guitars are animated and the drums are punchy making this the track to get up and move to, and my personal favourite on the EP. The most emo track on the EP has to be the closer 'Fight, Repent, Rejoice.', this one gently grows with a stunning guitar melody creating an emotion filled atmosphere that's backed up by the gentler vocals. The song does break into something a little more punk rock feeling but it never loses that emotive fuel that fires the piece. This one in my opinion lets the instrumentalists, especially the guitarist show off another level of their talents while vocally the track is kept tied to the rest of 'Terminal Radness'.

Wreckship clearly draw influence from many of the alternative genre's including grunge and post-rock, they've created a sound that not only has a nostalgic alt/emo feeling but is dynamic and they give listeners something a little bit different to consume. The three tracks within 'Terminal Radness' show off a different layer of the bands sound whether that be the heavier alt rock or emotive guitar work. These three songs I'm sure are just a taster of what's to come from Wreckship.

Listen to 'Terminal Radness' HERE

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